The Future is FirstGen

We are dramatically changing the success landscape for first-generation students and graduates.

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Why First-gen?

First-generation students represent more than half of all undergraduates in the U.S. Yet, first-generation students are graduating far less than their peers.

This is our opportunity; our clarion call. We’re working with hundreds of higher education institutions, practitioners and scholars, foundations, businesses, members of the media, and others committed to first-generation student success to close this completion gap.

Accomplishing our goal benefits:

First-gen Students

College graduates are 88% more likely to be employed; earn higher wages, and twice as likely to be civically engaged

Higher Ed Institutions

First-gen students are applying to college at twice the rate of continuing-generation students. And developing supports for first-gen students will benefit everyone.

Our Country & Economy

Closing the completion gap will result in 4.4 million more graduates and a net benefit of $700 billion to the U.S. economy.

FirstGen Forward Network

The FirstGen Forward Network comprises over 400 institutions, harnessing the potential of first-generation students and improving success outcomes.

Is your institution ready to move FirstGen Forward?


FirstGen Statistics

Dedicated first-generation research allows for evidence-based decision-making that is critical to student success.

24 %

First-generation students graduate at a rate of 24% versus 59% for continuing-generation students.

54 %

There are 8.2 million first-generation undergraduate students; 54% of all undergrads in the U.S.

72 %

By 2031, 72% of jobs in the U.S. will require postsecondary education or training.

The Latest

TIAA Innovation Award

Open to accredited 2- and 4-year higher education institutions, the Innovation Award will award up to $10,000 of unrestricted funds to creative or scalable solutions to advance the success of first-gen students. 

8th Annual First-generation Graduate Student Symposium

February 7, 2025
On Zoom

This national symposium is open to any student who identifies as a current first-generation graduate or professional student and is studying any discipline. 

Journal of First-generation Student Success

FirstGen Forward is the proud home to the first academic peer-reviewed journal dedicated to first-generation student success.

National Data Fact Sheets

National fact sheets on first-gen college students and graduates.

Take Action

Partner with Us

Learn about ways in which you can support FirstGen Forward and first-generation students across the country.

Sign Up

Sign up to receive updates and communications related to first-generation student success.


Subscribe to the Journal of First-generation Student Success, the first academic journal dedicated to the success of first-generation students.

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